A Playthrough of the FreeSpace 2 Modification Dimensional Eclipse created by the Pettanyaa Studios in 2012 on Insane Difficulty by Novachen.
This playthrough was created on version 1.0 of Dimensional Eclipse.
You can download the current version 1.1b, that differs in many ways, here:
We have learned our controls in two occasions, and after combat in a videogame and a simulator, we are ready for the real thing, are not we?
Use this mission to find the perfect weapon loadout for you. I personally prefer the Proton Gun with Yari and Macana, but if you like other weapons more, use them! This mission is not very hard, so you can replay it until you have find your personal preference. But in most missions, the default loadout is well enough to finish the mission successfully.
After the Melqart find the capital ships, do not attack them! Stay near the destroyer and kill only the enemies which follow your group.
There are different debriefings in this mission. They depend on when you return to base. If your hull falls below 30%, you are allowed to return to base any time. You get the "perfect" debriefing, if you reach the end of the mission, of course.
Played and recorded by:
Jenna "Novachen" Trassa
Questions and Feedback in German and English would be appreciated, but is also possible in French, Spanish and Chinese, because my sister is able to read and understand it. But do not expect an answer in the same language.
If you want direct contact, please e-mail to [email protected].